IRES Emilia-Romagna is a Social and Economics Research Institute founded in 1982 by the trade union confederation CGIL of Emilia-Romagna.
IRES ER carries out economic and social research and documentation activities, empirical analyses, databases and observatories on economics and collective agreements, in collaboration with Associations, Agencies, Universities and scholars. Furthermore, it organises seminars, conferences and European meetings.
Over the years IRES ER has focused on Social and Economic Development, and particularly on:
- Collective bargaining analysis and new tendencies in industrial relations;
- Analysis of small and medium sized enterprises in relation to company networks, technological innovation and structural changes as a result of outsourcing, subcontracting, etc;
- Analysis of the labour market with a specific interest on female employment and gender gap, non standard jobs, immigration, new professions, vocational training;
- Surveys on welfare state, poverty and social exclusion;
- Decentralized collective bargaining at company and local level;
- Citizenship rights